After learning basic phrases and conversations in Bahasa Indonesia when asking for directions, at the restaurant, and shopping, in this newest post of Bahasa Indonesia in 2 minutes, we are going to show you basic phrases and words that are often said when discussing the topic of hobbies.
“Hobimu apa?”
“What is your hobby?”
“Aku suka _______.”
“I like _______.”
“My hobby is _______.”
“Hobiku _______.”
“Aku bermain _______ setiap hari _______.”
“I play _______ every _______.”
With these short and simple sentences, you can now have conversations about your hobbies with Indonesians!
Want to see how these sentences can be used in a real conversation? Watch this video:
Don’t forget to check out our previous posts where we show you basic conversation about meeting someone and introducing yourself!
Selamat belajar!