This discussion of standard Bahasa Indonesia and Jakartan Dialect has made the learning journey more interesting. Therefore, we will have another discussion of two words in Jakartan dialect to help you learn Bahasa Indonesia and its culture better. Here are some of the examples:
Adik perempuan saya menggambar sesuatu di kertas itu. My little sister draws something on that paper.
Jakartan Dialect:
Adik perempuan saya ngegambar sesuatu di kertas itu.
My little sister draws something on that paper.
Here are some other examples:
Ibu saya menggoreng tempe untuk makan siang.
My mother fries tempe for lunch.
Jakartan Dialect:
Ibu saya ngegoreng tempe untuk makan siang.
My mother fries tempe for lunch.
Now you know how to differentiate Jakartan dialect and standard Bahasa Indonesia.
These examples will help you understand what locals are saying so you won’t have any difficulties responding to them.
Watch this video to see how those words are used!
Selamat belajar!