It is very helpful to know words from Jakartan dialect and standard Bahasa Indonesia. Through the examples below, you will see how two words in standard Bahasa Indonesia transformed into Jakartan dialect:
Ada seseorang yang merusak pintu saya kemarin. There was somebody who broke my door yesterday.
Jakartan Dialect:
Ada seseorang yang ngerusak pintu saya kemarin. There was somebody who broke my door yesterday.
Let’s look at the other examples here:
Santi merawat ibunya yang sedang sakit.
Santi takes care of her sick mother.
Jakartan Dialect:
Santi ngerawat ibunya yang sedang sakit.
Santi takes care of her sick mother.
What do you think of these examples? Isn’t it helpful?
Here is the video to help you understand how to use those words in a conversation.
Selamat belajar!