We have introduced you to the difference of standard Bahasa Indonesia and Jakartan Dialect in the previous blog. In this blog, we are going to show other words that will help you understand Jakartan dialect better. They are ‘nyari’, ‘nyuci’, and ‘nyampur’. Take a look into these following examples:
Bu Susi mencari kunci mobilnya. Ms Susi looks for her car key.
Jakartan Dialect:
Bu Susi nyari kunci mobilnya.
Ms Susi looks for her car key.
The other examples are:
Saya mencuci kemeja batik.
I wash the batik shirt.
Jakartan Dialect:
Saya nyuci kemeja batik.
I wash the batik shirt.
Here is the last example,
Mereka mencampur teh dengan susu untuk membuat teh tarik.
They mix the tea with milk to make teh tarik.
Jakartan Dialect:
Mereka nyampur teh dengan susu untuk membuat teh tarik.
They mix the tea with milk to make teh tarik.
What do you think of those example sentences? Isn’t it helpful to understand them?
Through understanding these words from Jakartan dialect, you can now easily recognise and finally understand what the locals are saying.
Watch this video to see how those words are used in a conversation!
Selamat belajar!