Previously we have already discussed words in the Jakartan Dialect and standard Bahasa Indonesia. Here, we are going to learn some expressions in the Jakartan dialect and standard Bahasa Indonesia. Take a look at these following examples:
Kamu sedang apa?
What are you doing?
Jakartan Dialect:
Kamu lagi ngapain?
What are you doing?
Tidak apa-apa.
No problem.
Jakartan Dialect:
Ngga papa.
No problem.
Kamu membaca novel apa?
What novels did you read?
Jakartan Dialect:
Kamu baca novel apaan?
What novel did you read?
Now you can see the difference between expressions in standard Bahasa Indonesia and Jakartan Dialect.
Check this video to see how those expressions are used in a conversation!
Selamat belajar!