In this seventh episode, we will be discussing some expressions in standard Bahasa Indonesia and Jakartan Dialect. Let us see the examples of these words here:
Kamu terlihat bingung sekali. Kamu sedang mencari apa?
You seem very confused. What are you looking for?
Jakartan dialect:
Kamu keliatannya bingung banget. Lagi nyari apaan?
You seem very confused. What are you looking for?
Wah, terima kasih untuk bantuanmu.
Wow, thank you for your help.
Jakartan dialect:
Wah, makasih ya udah mau bantuin.
Wow, thank you for helping me.
What do you think of these examples? Now you don’t need to worry if you meet locals and they speak with Jakartan dialect.
Watch this video to further understand these sentences in a conversation.
Selamat belajar!